ABOUT hero

The Amgen Scholars Program aims to open the door to research opportunities at 25 host institutions for undergraduates from any four-year college or university in a given region.

Made possible through a commitment of more than $80 million since 2006, Amgen Scholars allows undergraduates from across the globe to participate in cutting-edge research opportunities at world-class institutions. 25 premier educational and research institutions across the U.S., Europe, Asia, Australia and Canada currently host the summer program.

Undergraduate participants benefit from undertaking a research project under top faculty, being part of a cohort-based experience of seminars and networking events, and taking part in a symposium in their respective region where they meet their peers, learn about biotechnology, and hear from leading scientists.

Amgen Scholars at a Glance

No previous research experience is necessary and you do not need to be a life sciences major to apply.
You do not need to currently attend one of the 25 host institutions to participate in the program. In fact, Amgen Scholars have represented over 900 colleges and universities to date.
During the program, students work full-time on independent research projects under the guidance of a research scientist.
Amgen Scholars have opportunities to conduct research, analyze data, present research results, network with other undergraduates with similar research interests, and develop working relationships with faculty mentors and other research staff.
Amgen Scholars learn how to collaborate effectively in research settings while investigating areas of research interest within a specific discipline and gaining practical skills and knowledge for both graduate study and post-graduate careers.
Financial support is a critical component of the Amgen Scholars Program. Please note that details vary by host institution. See each institution’s Amgen Scholars Program website for more information.

Research Areas

Areas of potential focus include any disciplines related to the discovery, development, manufacture and delivery of human therapeutics, as well as the overall biomedical and biotechnology enterprise.

symposium collage


A signature component of the summer program is the symposium where students hear firsthand from leading scientists working in industry and academia. Over the course of the symposium, Scholars have the chance to share their summer research projects with their peers and deepen their understanding of drug discovery and development.

Amgen Scholars in U.S. and Canada programs meet in California, Amgen Scholars in the European programmes convene in England, and Amgen Scholars in the Asia and Australia programs meet in Japan. The three regional symposia provide undergraduates with a valuable opportunity to network with other Amgen Scholars as well as interact with leading industry and academic scientists.


Creating and Running a Successful Undergraduate Research Program

For Educators

Creating and Running a Successful Undergraduate Research Program

Read Amgen Scholars: Best Practices in Summer Undergraduate Research Programs to see what it takes to develop, launch and run a program like Amgen Scholars.

Read more
Amgen Foundation’s Commitment to Science Education

For All

Amgen Foundation’s Commitment to Science Education

The Amgen Foundation seeks to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators. Learn more about the Foundation’s commitment to the scientists of tomorrow.

Visit the Amgen Foundation website
An Introduction to Biotechnology

For Students

Amgen Scholars Master Class Resources

Designed to provide a foundation of knowledge to Scholars before they arrive and during their program. These modules lay the groundwork for conducting research and analyzing findings. They are self-paced and asynchronous to facilitate learning at anytime, and are available freely to anyone interested in perusing them.

Visit LabXchange