National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore

3 June - 3 August 2024

1 February 2024

Applications to be an Amgen Scholar are provided by and processed at each participating host institution. Follow the link above to find this institution’s application.


Dr. Henry MOK, Associate Professor

Mr. Ambert ANG, Program Manager

Phone: +65 65162711

Amgen Scholars at the National University of Singapore (NUS) participate in 2 months of intensive research in the area of biomedical sciences. Each student will join the laboratory of a scientist not just from the department of biological sciences at the Faculty of Science, but also from the departments of biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology and anatomy at the School of Medicine. The areas of research across over 200 laboratories in the Life Science departments include but are not limited to: molecular genomics, ageing, cellular development and imaging, infectious diseases, cancer and stem cells, protein structure and drug design. During the program, the scholars will present their findings in laboratory group meetings to their supervisors and peers. They will also present a poster/oral presentation at the end of the program symposium hosted at NUS, which Amgen Scholars from host institutions across the Asia region will attend. The department also has weekly colloquium and seminars by invited professors and the scholars are welcome to participate.

Founded in 1905, the NUS is the oldest university in Singapore and ranked highest among Asia’s universities. As a regional top educational and research university, NUS is also committed to establish a global campus with the aim of exposing our students to a holistic learning experience outside the classroom. NUS is located in the tropics and has a wide biodiversity for international students to appreciate. Singapore is a multi-cultural and safe country with the most well-developed infrastructure for international students to study and reside. It is also convenient to travel to other SE Asia countries, China or Australia.

NUS welcomes undergraduates studying in Asian universities to apply to the AMGEN Scholar Program, especially from the surrounding SE Asia countries. Prior research experience is preferred but not necessary. We will assess applicants on their aptitude, attitude and curiosity towards biomedical research, strong letters of recommendation and interest in pursuing further PhD training. Participants will receive a generous stipend with housing, as well as travel to and from the National University of Singapore, where both the program and the Asia symposium will be hosted.

Learn more and apply to be an Amgen Scholar on this campus