University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

May 29, 2024 - August 2, 2024

February 1, 2024

Applications to be an Amgen Scholar are provided by and processed at each participating host institution. Follow the link above to find this institution’s application.


Robert Pleasants, PhD
Director, Office for Undergraduate Research

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a world leader in research whose mission is to serve as a center for research, scholarship, and creativity and to teach a diverse community of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students to become the next generation of leaders. The Amgen Scholars Program at UNC-Chapel Hill provides opportunities for students to join the research community at UNC-Chapel Hill and engage in research focused on bioscience and discovery, development, and refinement of biotechnology.

Students in the Amgen Scholars Program will be paired with a faculty mentor and will engage in 9-10 weeks of hands-on research aimed at addressing society’s most critical challenges. World-class faculty from a diverse array of disciplines including medicine, pharmacology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, genetics, biology, and other STEM-related fields will provide mentored research opportunities for participants. Scholars will also participate in a variety professional development and social activities with other Amgen Scholars and students in other summer undergraduate research programs as part of an immersive learning environment.

The goal of the Amgen Scholars Program at UNC-Chapel Hill is to recruit students from diverse backgrounds and provide them with skills and knowledge that will make them highly competitive applicants for graduate studies and careers in bioscience and biotechnology. Undergraduates who are US citizens or permanent residents and have at least one remaining year of undergraduate studies (i.e. not graduating seniors) are encouraged to apply. Prior research experience is not required. Selected participants will receive a $4,200 stipend, a food allowance, and housing on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.

Learn more and apply to be an Amgen Scholar on this campus