Amgen Scholars is hosted at five premier educational institutions throughout Europe. Each host institution has its own application process. Enrollment at a European institution is required, and you can apply to participate at as many host institutions as you are interested in.


Europe Programme Dates

PROGRAM DATES: 30 June - 3 September 2025
PROGRAM DATES: 1 July - 3 September 2025
PROGRAM DATES: 25 June - 15 August 2025 (as well as European symposium 1-3 September)
PROGRAM DATES: 27 June - 3 September 2025
PROGRAM DATES: 7 July - 3 September 2025


Amgen Scholars Europe Programme applicants must be:

  • Undergraduate students enrolled in colleges or universities in Europe*; and
  • Undergraduate students who have not completed their bachelor’s or first degree (or its equivalent) prior to participating in the Programme. Note for medical students: refer to host institutions’ websites for further eligibility information.

Europe Programme applicants must also have:

  • A strong record of academic performance; and
  • An interest in pursuing a Ph.D.

*  Eligible students must attend colleges or universities in countries that are participating in the European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process. Click here to see a full list of participating countries.

symposium collage

Europe Symposium

A signature component of the summer programme is the symposium where students hear firsthand from leading scientists working in industry and academia. Over the course of the symposium, Scholars have the chance to share their summer research projects with their peers and deepen their understanding of drug discovery and development.

Amgen Scholars in the Europe Programme participate in this symposium at the University of Cambridge.



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  1. What is the purpose of the Amgen Scholars Programme?

  2. What criteria do I need to meet to become an Amgen Scholar in Europe?

  3. Do I need to be a citizen of one of the above European countries to apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe?

  4. If applicable, am I required to obtain the appropriate visas to participate in the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe?

  5. Can students who are spending only a short period of time – for instance, a semester or a year abroad – at European institutions of higher education apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe?

  6. Is there one application form for all of the host institutions in Europe?

  7. Can I apply to more than one host institution in Europe?

  8. What is the application deadline for host institutions in Europe?

  9. Are there certain application requirements common to all host institutions in Europe?

  10. How do I apply?

  11. Are the summer programme dates the same for all host institutions in Europe?

  12. What is the expected number of Amgen Scholars participating annually at each host institution and in total in Europe?

  13. Do I need to attend the ETH Zürich, Institut Pasteur, Karolinska Institute, LMU Munich, or the University of Cambridge – or a college or university in Switzerland, Sweden, France, Germany or the UK – during the academic year to apply to the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe?

  14. Will there be an opportunity to meet Amgen Scholars participating in the Europe Programme at other host institutions, and to learn more about biotechnology and drug discovery and development?

  15. Is the cost of travel to and from the September symposium, as well as room and board at the symposium, covered by the Programme?

  16. What about housing, food and travel expenses to and from the summer programme in Europe?

  17. Can I apply to participate in the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe if science or engineering is not the main subject area of my degree?

  18. Do I need to have research experience prior to being admitted to the Programme in Europe?

  19. Which areas of academic research will the Programme offer?

  20. When will I find out whether I've been accepted into the Programme in Europe?

  21. Can I be an Amgen Scholar in more than one summer?

  22. Can I apply to the Amgen Scholars Program in multiple regions (Europe, the U.S., Asia, Australia, or Canada)?

  23. Can I apply to participate as an Amgen Scholar in both Europe and Asia?

  24. If I am not selected this year, can I apply again?

  25. Whom do I contact with questions about the Amgen Scholars Programme in Europe?

  26. Statement on preparing the Amgen Scholars Program application using generative AI tools.

Albania Albania
Andorra Andorra
Armenia Armenia
Austria Austria
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
Belarus Belarus
Belgium Belgium
Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Croatia Croatia
Cyprus Cyprus
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Denmark Denmark
Estonia Estonia
Finland Finland
France France
Georgia Georgia
Germany Germany
Greece Greece
Holy See Holy See
Hungary Hungary
Iceland Iceland
Ireland Ireland
Italy Italy
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Latvia Latvia
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Lithuania
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Malta Malta
Moldova Moldova
Montenegro Montenegro
Netherlands Netherlands
Norway Norway
Poland Poland
Portugal Portugal
Romania Romania
Russia Russian Federation
Serbia Serbia
Slovak Republic Slovak Republic
Slovenia Slovenia
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden
Switzerland Switzerland
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia
Turkey Turkey
Ukraine Ukraine
United Kingdom United Kingdom